
I’d like to thank everyone who shared their thoughts and feedback with us about the potential impact of the Cyber Resilience Act. 

The RIPE NCC submitted its contribution to the European Commission’s open consultation on the act yesterday. It included the RIPE community response that was shared earlier on this list (and had been updated with some additional feedback that we received since), as well as the RIPE NCC’s view on how the act could impact our own operations and a number of areas in which we believe further clarity is needed: 


The consultation has now closed, but we’ll continue to keep the community informed about other legislative proposals we believe might be of interest and continue to encourage the RIPE community to make sure its voice is heard in these debates. 

The RIPE NCC is holding a Roundtable Meeting for Governments and Regulators in Brussels later this week, where we will also share our response with those in attendance and highlight the fact that the RIPE community remains a valuable source of technical expertise for public policymakers. 

Best regards,


Suzanne Taylor
Public Policy & Internet Governance 