Can anyone remember who did the "Packets Dropping" song (spoof of Chumbawumba's Tubthumping)? I have an MP3 of it somewhere, and it always brings a smile to my face, but I don't remember who did it, nor when (nor, to be honest, even where, but I'm assuming it was RIPE) W On Sat, Oct 29 2022 at 9:07 AM, Elmar K. Bins <elmi@4ever.de> wrote:
randy@psg.com (Randy Bush) wrote:
It's been 15 years, RIPE 55 to RIPE 85, since Gary Feldman sang "The Day the ROuters Died."
He didn't sing alone, though. Also - has it really been 15 years!!?? Feels like last year.
We finally had a meeting where v6 transit was dominant.
Welcome to the 21st century!
El Mar
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