I am starting as Managing Director of the RIPE NCC at 1. May 2020. I have already informed the NomCom that I have withdrawn my nomination for the role of RIPE Chair, but this still puts me in a situation where I hold both the positions as RIPE NCC MD and as RIPE Chair until the NomCom has made its appointment. Serving both positions may be seen as a conflict of interest.

To resolve this I have informed the Working Group Chairs collective that I will resign as RIPE Chair as of 30 April. 

When the RIPE Chairs resigns, then according to RIPE 727 the working group chairs will have to appoint a “chair ad interim”  to serve until the NomCom has selected a permanent chair and the RIPE NCC Executive Board has confirmed the selection.

See: the “Continuity” section in RIPE 727 https://www.ripe.net/publications/docs/ripe-727

The NomCom expects to have confirmed candidates in July. It is reasonable to expect that the confirmed candidates would be able and willing to assume their roles well before RIPE 81.

The matter was discussed on the wg-chair list and in a call on 30 March 2020 made the following decision:

"The WG chairs have taken notice of Hans Petter’s intention to step down as RIPE Chair; we respect the reasons behind it. The NomCom process is already under way and the NomCom expects to have confirmed candidates by the end of July. Therefore, we have asked Hans Petter, and he has agreed, to take the role of RIPE Chair ad interim after his resignation and to help with a speedier-than-foreseen transition once the selection process for a new Chair and Vice Chair concludes."


Hans Petter Holen

RIPE Chair