Last call has ended and Consensus has been reached. We should publish the policy.

Hans Petter Holen
RIPE Chair

On Thu, 26 Jul 2018 at 10:46, Hans Petter Holen <> wrote:

I see support and no objections, so I belive we have consesus for this proposal. 

Marco, can you please  move the proposal to "Last Call"? 

Hans Petter Holen,
RIPE Chair

On Tue, 19 Jun 2018 at 13:28, Marco Schmidt <> wrote:
Dear colleagues,

Proposal 2018-04, "PDP Clarification" is now in the Review Phase.

This proposal aims to clarify the options available to the Working Group chairs at the end of the Review Phase of the RIPE Policy Development Process (PDP).

The RIPE NCC has prepared an impact analysis on this latest proposal version to support the community’s discussion. You can find the full proposal and impact analysis at:

And the draft documents at:

As per the RIPE Policy Development Process (PDP), the purpose of this four week Review Phase is to continue discussing the proposal, taking the impact analysis into consideration, and to review the full draft RIPE Policy Document.

At the end of the Review Phase, the RIPE Chair will determine whether the proposal has reached rough consensus. It is therefore important to provide your opinion, even if it is simply a restatement of your input from the previous phase.

We encourage you to read the proposal, impact analysis and draft document and send any comments to <> before 17 July 2018.

Kind regards,

Marco Schmidt
Policy Officer

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-- Hans Petter Holen Mobile +47 45 06 60 54 | |
-- Hans Petter Holen Mobile +47 45 06 60 54 | |