Handheld devices are a devil typing email but such an important tool, so sorry for top posting. 

Are we sure our current format are the right way forward? 
It is how things always have been done since  (mostly) older white men thought they knew it all and had to meet to boost their ego... Are we sure this venue actual will work with the growing up generation as mentioned in a other email? Job mentioned in his youtube talk from another email that the average age seems to go up with one year every year... 

In the short run any and all CoC are probably going to be used partly for what it is not intented, abuse. Also how do we define what is ok and what is not when our problem mostly are how some men actual look at the other sex, and all people being different from themself? 

Roger Jørgensen

On Tue, Oct 22, 2019, 00:54 Sascha Luck [ml] <lists-ripe@c4inet.net> wrote:

All humour aside:

Abolish RIPE meetings. They do not serve any purpose (anymore)
that cannot be served online more easily and less expensively.
The NCC has budgeted a cool EUR 2.18 million for meetings in
2020[1] That is a rough EUR100 per member now and likely to be
significantly more in the future.
They are also, as we have been told again and again, horrible
events, attended by monsters, where nobody in their right mind
wants to go. I really don't know why any member should want to
pay for *that*
So abolish them. That should also obviate the need for a Code Of
Conduct and its enforcers.

Sascha Luck

[1] https://www.ripe.net/participate/meetings/gm/meetings/october-2019/draft-ripe-ncc-activity-plan-and-budget-2020.pdf