On 10 Oct 2019, at 18:17, Randy Bush wrote:
hi daniel,
The RIPE NCC has been offering training courses since 1993.
which i have always said is excellent; though i have a joke about what is essentially a product which is so complex to use that the customer has to take a course to use it.
that is not my issue. it is that we are starting down the path of folk wandering around out there saying they are ripe certified net engs.
see you soon!
I see your point. From https://www.ripe.net/support/certified-professionals: “A digital badge contains verifiable information about the skills and knowledge it certifies. It holds details about the exam and assessment criteria that can be verified by a third party. This programme invites you to become recognised as an Internet professional.” So if someone were to ‘over-claim’ here it may very well back-fire for them. However, I am certain the responsible people at the NCC have heard you and will consider the ‘branding’ in the light of your concerns. Daniel