Denis, Melchior, colleagues, On 12 May 2023, at 19:03, denis walker wrote:
So if we want staff to have this level of involvement with the community then we MUST have a clear buy-in from the senior management team at the RIPE NCC and from the OR (staff workers association).
You're quite right that, without the buy-in you suggest, documenting "how RIPE NCC staff can participate in RIPE" could turn out to be no more than "interesting theoretical discussion." To make progress, we need a first step, and then (as the saying goes), "the other foot has to fall." We still need that first step, which what is attempted in this document. On 15 May 2023, at 21:51, Melchior Aelmans wrote (in reply to Denis):
I would love to see NCC staff and (senior) management respond to this discussion as well as indeed we are discussing "how staff members 'can and should' be able to get heavily involved".
I think, if I were in their position, I should prefer to respond only after a clear set of "community principles" had emerged. This document is a proposal for such a set of principles. If some essential principle is missing, or if there is an error in any of the principles proposed, now would be a good moment to point that out. Best regards, Niall