RIPE 90 Reminder Early Bird and CfP

Dear colleagues, With RIPE 90 approaching, we would like to remind you of some important dates. The meeting will take place online and in person at the EPIC SANA Lisboa Hotel, Lisbon, Portugal, from 12 May – 16 May 2025. You can register for the meeting at: ------------------------- Early Bird Deadline ------------------------- Please note that the Early Bird Rate deadline is Friday, 21 February 2025. Make sure to secure your tickets and/or make your payment before this date to avoid getting charged the full rate. Week ticket: EUR 400 Early Bird: EUR 350 Day ticket: EUR 130 Early Bird: EUR 125 Student (week) ticket: EUR 50 More information about ticket options is available at: ---------------------------- Call for Presentations ---------------------------- The deadline for the Call for Presentations (CfP) is 3 March 2025. Lightning talk proposals can be submitted until 2 May 2025. More information is available at: --------------------- Accommodation --------------------- EPIC SANA Lisboa Hotel Av. Eng. Duarte Pacheco 15, 1070-100 Lisbon, Portugal A negotiated rate is available for RIPE Meeting attendees, subject to limited availability. Please follow the instructions on the official meeting venue website to book your accommodation: ----------------------------------------- Important Dates and Deadlines ----------------------------------------- 01 Nov: RACI & RIPE Fellowship applications open 19 Nov: Call for Presentations issued 16 Feb: RIPE Fellowship application deadline 21 Feb: Early Bird registration deadline 23 Feb: RACI application deadline 03 Mar: Talk submission deadline 09 Apr: Childcare application deadline 15 Apr: Final programme published 28 Apr: Mentoring application deadline 02 May: Lightning Talk submissions deadline 05 May: Deadline to submit recorded presentations for website publication 12 May – 16 May 2025: RIPE 90 takes place in Lisbon More information about RIPE 90 can be found at: We aim to ensure a safe and welcoming meeting. The RIPE Code of Conduct applies to all RIPE Meeting attendees and can be found at: For the latest meeting updates, follow the #RIPE90 on social media. Kind regards, RIPE Meetings Organisation Team
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