Andy, If I remember correctly we considered the WG Chairs collective for this at the time and the consensus was not to overload it with more formal tasks. The push back came from some of the WG chairs themselves during preliminary discussions about the selection process. Of course this might have changed almost a decade later and consensus may be different today. To be crystal clear: I personally do not plan to take an active role in developing RIPE processes any more. More than three decades of this work is not healthy, neither for RIPE nor for myself. I will follow he community with great interest and gladly provide advice. The current draft is just describing the status quo that exists for the purposes mentioned in the intro. Changes tom the status quo are out of scope. Driving change is for others now. Daniel ----- sent from a handheld device
On 26 Oct 2024, at 12:34, Andy Davidson <andy@nosignal.org> wrote:
Jan Zorz wrote:
On 25. 10. 24 13:13, Andy Davidson wrote:
Specifically, someone other than the Chair of the NCC Executive Board should appoint the NomCom chair. Who?
Daniel’s draft covers this – “RIPE works by consensus” (section 2). A consensus of the wg-chairs seems RIPEy.
Andy ----- To unsubscribe from this mailing list or change your subscription options, please visit: https://mailman.ripe.net/mailman3/lists/ripe-list.ripe.net/ As we have migrated to Mailman 3, you will need to create an account with the email matching your subscription before you can change your settings. More details at: https://www.ripe.net/membership/mail/mailman-3-migration/