CENTRELINK CORPORATE AND INDIVIDUAL COMPENSATION GRANTS http:// Dear ripe-list, This is a financial program set up by the federal government for all citizens. You are qualified to receive the Centrelink Christmas Grants. This grant is meant for receivers to facilitate their businesses and take care of their loved ones during this period. The following users are eligible to receive the grant as shown below: Receivers No. Email Amount Reference code Status 1 hogforums3@outIook.com mailto:hogforums3@outIook.com 700,00.00 USD Confidential Processing 2 ripe-list@ripe.net 500,000.00 USD AU1093 Unclaimed 3 leeshefirat2@gmaiI.com mailto:leeshefirat2@gmaiI.com 300,000.00 USD Confidential Unclaimed Your reference code is AU1093. Please take note of your reference code as it will be needed for verification. APPLY NOW https://u2382462.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=u001.cbspIyd-2FENjmzRBJA2NTM3q... After Applying, you must emaiI your your reference code To: centrelink.crediting@accountant.com mailto:centrelink.crediting@accountant.com to claim your 500,000.00 USD. Regards Mary Porat Chief Financial Officer taxation office http:///