Hey Ole,
I happen to live in Lisbon (and not even 100 meters from the Epic SANA) and sadly, this is the case at many of the larger hotels in town. Especially those who have conference capablities. The only way to get around it is to book at one of the smaller hotels who often have payment when checking in or out, or to go through a travel agency which often has managed to negotiate better payment terms..
> On 25 Nov 2024, at 15:36, Ole Jacobsen via ripe-list <ripe-list@ripe.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> Just so you are all aware: The venue hotel for RIPE90, Epic SANA Lisboa, requires FULL payment
> of your entire stay once you book it. I am disappointed that RIPE engages with properties
> that enforce these requirements. A one-night deposit or just holding your credit card
> would be a lot more "normal," in fact I am rather surprised this doesn't violate EU
> law, but hey, I don't live in the EU.
> Given the limited number of rooms available at the venue hotel, I am sure I am not the
> only one wanting to book early, but paying 6 months in advance does seem rather extreme
> IMO.
> You have been warned.
> Ole
> Ole J. Jacobsen
> Editor and Publisher
> The Internet Protocol Journal
> Office: +1 415-550-9433
> Cell: +1 415-370-4628
> Docomo: +81 90 3337-9311
> Web: protocoljournal.org
> E-mail: olejacobsen@me.com
> E-mail: ole@protocoljournal.org
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