Friend and Colleagues, Yesterday I did not have one of my best days. I was primed emotionally by doing research for another history article and re-reading old RIPE documents, specifically ripe-001. I apologise for overreacting to a friendly poke by Shane which I am sure had nothing but humorous intent. It just hit me at the wrong moment and I was unable to see the humor. I apologise to those who I hurt. Please accept my assurance that this was not my intent. My intent was to make a specific point pertinent to this discussion. Afterwards Randy explained it much better than I did. I do hope you will be able to re-read my contributions in this way at a later time. I also apologise to those who I pulled into a deteriorating flow by setting the wrong example. anagram(This) happens; especially on e-mail and I should have known better. So allow me to start again with a new thread responding to Shane's original message. Maybe we can all show true RIPE style this time around. I will certainly try my very best. Daniel