On 14 May 2020, at 14:52, Daniel Karrenberg <dfk@ripe.net> wrote:
Would it not be possible for Mirjam to resign from the RIPE NCC once she is selected just as well. Or is she tainted for life?
First of all I think we should avoid the use of “tainted” and secondly I was trying to keep the arguments on a principe level and discussed the separation of RIPE and RIPE NCC, not any individual circumstances around candidates. The Nomcom has asked for feedback and I was trying to provide mine here as I have also done in private to the Nomcom. To answer your question - I am assuming by it that we have made the assumption that we want to keep separation between RIPE NCC and RIPE. If so, obviously no-one is associated with an ex-employer for life. In governance, both public and private it is commonly assumed that for certain (at least senior) roles you will keep a distance in time between roles to ensure that real or perceived conflict of interest is avoided. How long this time should (or none) can be debated. - kurtis -