On Thu, May 18, 2017 at 01:23:03PM +0200, Daniel Karrenberg wrote:
On 18.05.17 13:19 , Job Snijders wrote:
On Thu, May 18, 2017 at 01:08:23PM +0200, Daniel Karrenberg wrote:
Otherwise I think we have positive movement and maybe even rough consensus???????
Sure, if you ignore the people that stated that "selected as needed" is not acceptable.
I referred to Rob Evans' proposal: "The RIPE Chairperson is appointed by his/her predecessor, but serves the RIPE community."
Perhaps I am missing something glaring obvious, but you are suggesting there may be concensus on rob's proposal, which arrived 45 minutes ago in my mailbox, and to which I have seen only 1 reply (namely yours)? On topic: the methodology of a chair appointing the next chair does not look sound to me. It reeks of dynasty and may introduce loss of peripheral vision. Kind regards, Job