A couple of minor, but fairly important twitches to the English, below. On 08/04/2019 16:04, Daniel Karrenberg wrote:
## Principles
The following broad principles emerged from an extensive community discussion:
- A selection committee drawn from the community selects persons for the role of RIPE Chair for a period of five years with a two term limit. - The selection committee is selected randomly from the community volunteers and modelled roughly after the IETF NomCom. - There role of the RIPE Vice Chair should be re-established.
There -> The
- The persons selected for the roles of RIPE Chair and RIPE Vice Chair must both be suitable for the role and have the support of the RIPE Community.
For details about the community discussions see Appendix G.
## Glossary
### RIPE Meeeting
A RIPE Meeting is an event where Internet Service Providers (ISPs), network operators and other interested parties gather to discuss issues of interest to the Internet community. This document assumes that there are two RIPE meetings each year.
### The RIPE Chair
The role of RIPE Chair is described in [ripe-714](https://www.ripe.net/publications/docs/ripe-714). This document describes the selection of a person for that role. We also describe the tasks of the current RIPE Chair in the selection process.
### The RIPE Vice Chair
This document re-introduces the role of RIPE Vice Chair. The purpose of this role is to provide continuity in case the RIPE Chair resigns or is not able to perform their role. The RIPE Chair may also delegate some of their duties to the RIPE Vice Chair as described in ripe-714.
### The RIPE Selection Committee
The RIPE Selection Committee (SelCom) selects persons for the RIPE Chair and RIPE Vice Chair roles. The selection committee consists of randomly selected community volunteers who vote on the selection, as well as a chair, liaisons and advisors who do not vote on the selection. The RIPE Selection Committee is described in ripe-xxx.
### The Working Group Chairs Collective
In exceptional circumstances this document calls on the RIPE working group chairs collective whenever timely action or consultation is needed.
## General Time-Line
The whole selection process takes roughly one year and two RIPE meetings. First a call for nominations is issued and the selection committee established. Then the list of nominees willing to be selected is published and the selection committee collects community input; this phase should include one RIPE meeting in order to rovide the
rovide -> provide
opportunity for personal interactions with the selection committee. We call this meeting the "consultation RIPE meeting". After the consultation RIPE meeting the selection committee publishes their selection. Finally, the newly selected persons take on their role;
(Just in passing, admiration for this beautifully placed ';')
this happens at a RIPE meeting, so that the community can confirm their support for the selected persons.
## Eligibility and Term Limit
Any natural person is eligible for selection unless they have already been selected twice for their current role. It does not matter whether or not the terms are consecutive.
## Term
The RIPE Chair and RIPE Vice Chair serve concurrent terms until the RIPE meeting closest to the fifth anniversary of taking on their role.
## Nominations
Around the fourth anniversary of taking on their role the RIPE Chair starts the new selection procedure by initiating the establishment of the SelCom. The chair of the SelCom publishes a call for nominations and sets a deadline for nominations about eight weeks prior to the subsequent RIPE meeting, the consultation RIPE meeting.
The SelCom checks the eligibility of the nominated persons, confirms whether the nominated persons wish to serve and publishes the list of nominees willing to serve no later than 2 weeks prior to the consultation RIPE meeting.
## Community Consultation
The SelCom actively solicits input from the entire community. It does so as much as possible in an open and transparent manner while adequately protecting personal information about the candidates.
## Selection
The SelCom then selects one person to serve as RIPE Chair and another person to serve as RIPE Vice Chair. The SelCom announces their selections no later than two weeks prior to the following meeting, the transition RIPE meeting.
## Transition
At the transition RIPE meeting the newly selected persons take on their roles.
## Continuity
In case the RIPE Chair resigns the RIPE Vice Chair takes on the role of RIPE Chair and promptly initiates this selection procedure.
This really should be "If the RIPE Chair..." or possibly "In the case of the RIPE Chair resigning...". This is a classic case of the Dutch/German "In case" which riddles RIPE NCC documentation. And here it is wrong, giving a different meaning to sentence.
In case the RIPE Vice Chair is not available either,
Likewise here, it should be "If the RIPE Vice chair..." or "In the case of the RIPE Vice Chair not being available...".
the WG chairs collective promptly initiates this selection procedure and selects a person to act as interim RIPE Chair. The service as interim RIPE Chair does not count as a term for the purposes of the term limit above.
In case the RIPE Vice Chair resigns the RIPE Chair selects a person to
Again, "If the RIPE Vice Chair..." or "In the case of the RIPE Vice Chair resigning..."
fill the role in consultation with the WG chairs collective.
## Pragmatism
This document is a guideline that explicitly allows ad-hoc deviations both for pragmatic reasons and in unforeseen circumstances without having to change this document each time. Any such deviations and the appropriate community involvement should be clearly documented each time.
## Acknowledgements
The authors acknowledge the contributions and efforts of everyone who participated in the community discussions that form the basis on which we were able to build this document. In particular Bijal Sanghani, Randy Bush, %%%% offered detailed suggestions and comments.
"%%%%" ? And of course I make my usual tongue in cheek comment that a "chair" is a piece of furniture. The correct word is "chairman" regardless of gender. Otherwise, a nice piece of work. Thanks to Daniel et al for all their hard work. All the best Nigel