Daniel On 01/04/2019 11:20, Daniel Karrenberg wrote:
However, the RIPE community could *ask* the EB to take on an additional role. That role would be to oversee the RIPE Chair selection process. This would *not* mean that the EB has any part in selecting the RIPE Chair. It would mean that the EB would appoint the non-voting SelCom chairperson, deal with process challenges and finally confirm that the selection process has been run correctly.
Certainly the community could ask the EB and I suspect that the EB would accept the challenge.
Jim Reid's concerns are a good indication that we need such a role. I suggest the EB because I cannot see another existing body that could fulfil it in a credible way.
Yes, I think Jim's concerns are worthy of being addressed. And, yes, I agree with you that there doesn't seem to be an existing body that even slightly fits the bill. So on the principle of of Non-Proliferation of Essentially Single Purpose Internet Bodies and for sound ecological reasons we probably should try and re-use the one's we've got. I'll concede you the point, although it gives me some misgivings, and there is enough degree of indirection that likely no harm will be done.
The IETF 'uses' the ISOC board of trustees (BoT) for this role in the IAB selection process. The ISOC BoT has a primary role that is similar to the EB: oversee ISOC and in particular its finances. Yet the ISOC BoT has agreed to take on the additional role of overseeing the IAB selection process.
I believe that this way of doing things would work for us as well. It would make my task of adapting the IETF process to our needs much easier if we would at least contemplate this.
I am currently working on the document that describes the SelCom. My plan is to write in a role for the RIPE NCC EB as described here. It would be very useful for me to hear from you, *and from others*, whether this has any chance of at least being considered. Otherwise I would have to become much more inventive than I am currently comfortable with. ;-)
No more single-use bodies. There are enough floating around in the Internet Ocean as it is. I'll give you my support.
Of course I remain curious about and open to other ideas on how to deal with process challenges and the concerns expressed by Jim.