Randy Bush wrote:
So with this discussion we may have the opportunity to both come up with a process for an election and move this document from a Draft state to a proper RIPE Document status. s/election/selection/
imagine what rob would say about all this
I talked to him about it, actually. He volunteered that there was a need to formalise a mechanism to handle how to choose a ripe chair, and what the position would do, and so forth. He also said that he wanted a future ripe chair to handle this, which struck me as being a strange thing to say, but in retrospect perhaps not: it was an acknowledgement that this was not an easy thing to do, but that he had enough faith that the community would do the right thing. Regarding the words "election" and "selection", people get them mixed up and this is more to do with the fact that they sound similar than anything else. A typo happened and was corrected, so let's move on. Nick