On 2017-05-18 10:51, Nigel Titley wrote:
1. RIPE Chair job description: Doing the sort of things that the RIPE Chair should do.
2. RIPE Chair selection process: Selected as needed
I do not find this particularly helpful I’m afraid. This is neither a job description, nor a process.
I think you've been in close proximity to ICANN folk for far too long. YOU may not find it helpful but it is in fact a job description and a process. Other people have found it helpful.
It's really not (and the above is an ad-hominem), and while I also don't subscribe to the notion of having everyday life defined to the minute, it did make me wonder what it actually *is* that a RIPE chair should do. Turns out there's a handy draft published on the NCC's website, perhaps that could be a decent starting point. Similarly, this whole discussion was started by people raising understandable issues with the current selection procedure. I have my issues with the proposal draft for that one as it is, but 'as needed' seems a tad bit underspecified for a community that claims to be open and transparent. Jelte