Jelte Jansen wrote:
Similarly, this whole discussion was started by people raising understandable issues with the current selection procedure. I have my issues with the proposal draft for that one as it is, but 'as needed' seems a tad bit underspecified for a community that claims to be open and transparent.
more to the point, if the position of ripe chair has responsibilities of any importance, we need to have a think about what happens if we end up with an incompetent or worse still, a malevolent ripe chair. Right now, the draft ripe chair function description seems to suggest that there are duties of some importance to the ripe community:
There is no shortage of examples where a choice of leader has caused problems. Usually the options for dealing with this, if it is considered necessary to deal with it in the first place, are to ensure damage limitation of one form or another, i.e. term limits, easy methods of defenestration, inability of leader to change rules without full stakeholder support, ability to nominate vice-chair independently of chair, etc. Nick