On 9 Oct 2018, at 11:12, Filiz Yilmaz <koalafil@gmail.com> wrote:
So practically RIPE Community will have the option of "objecting to a name" or "accepting the name". It is a very drastic measure to take compared to selecting names from a pool of candidates.
True. But can you come up with something better? FWIW I’d be quite happy to have the NomCom (or equivalent) put forward one name for the community to endorse and eliminate the WGCC from choosing from a shortlist. Fewer moving parts and all that. However if "selecting names from a pool of candidates” is going to be part of the process, it would be wise to have a small group of people making that selection. When there’s a big group of people, it’s much harder to make any sort of decision or reach consensus. More so in a community which is as diverse and opinionated as RIPE. I think the only way the Chair selection can work is for a small group -- I don't care what it’s called or how it’s formed -- to consider a bunch of potential candidates and come up with one name for the community to endorse or reject. Imagine the dysfunctionalism if the entire RIPE community had to select a name or names from a pool of candidates. But hey, that would eliminate a few steps and sanity checks in the process. It would also do away with the need for a Nomcom. So it wouldn’t be all bad. :-)