Mirjam is taking over the role of Nick in facilitating the WG chairs lunch.
She has prepared an agenda for us:
RIPE 77 Working Group Chair Lunch Meeting
Okura Hotel Amsterdam
Griffioen room, 2nd floor
Thursday 18 October 2018 - 12:30-14:00
Draft agenda:
1. Welcome/Intro (Mirjam, Hans Petter)
2. In/outgoing WG chairs (Hans Petter, all)
3. PC Submission System (Adam)
4. Spam on RIPE Forum (Adam)
5. RIPE Chair selection process (Hans Petter, Mirjam, all)
6. Future RIPE meeting structure (Hans Petter
7. Feedback on RIPE 77 meeting plan (all)
8. Administrative/technical overview of RIPE 77 (all)
9. AOB
-- Hans Petter Holen Mobile +47 45 06 60 54 | hph(a)oslo.net |