Update Wikipedia Article?

I was curious what Wikipedia has to say about the project so had a look. The article is...adequate, but could use some updating and expansion. Unfortunately, I am merely a helpful little Probe, without as much insight into the true dynamics of the Atlas unlike many others here. For one thing, there's no mention of the ability to run software probes as I do. I made a few "WikiGnome" fixes on the article, but other than that, I'm not really the person to update it... Just tossing that out there! -- Paul Theodoropoulos www.anastrophe.com

Paul, I think that everybody is eligible to update Wikipedia as community rules are followed. You can always put links to source materials (RIPE NCC and RIPE Atlas pages and documentation) to improve credibility of the article. Just do it and don't be shy :) Regards, Grzegorz From: Paul Theodoropoulos via ripe-atlas <ripe-atlas@ripe.net> Organisation: Syntactically Subversive Services Reply to: "paul@anastrophe.com" <paul@anastrophe.com> Date: Wednesday 2022-02-02 at 21:01 To: "ripe-atlas@ripe.net" <ripe-atlas@ripe.net> Subject: [atlas] Update Wikipedia Article? I was curious what Wikipedia has to say about the project so had a look. The article is...adequate, but could use some updating and expansion. Unfortunately, I am merely a helpful little Probe, without as much insight into the true dynamics of the Atlas unlike many others here. For one thing, there's no mention of the ability to run software probes as I do. I made a few "WikiGnome" fixes on the article, but other than that, I'm not really the person to update it... Just tossing that out there! -- Paul Theodoropoulos https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.anastrophe.com__;!!GjvTz_vk!Dt8Pk3i7nS5SG56TGEfLzTtmdq6wrWWH54LXOGr3QwUSF1DcZSetQONtSfgu0Zg$<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.anastrophe.com__;!!GjvTz_vk!Dt8Pk3i7nS5SG56TGEfLzTtmdq6wrWWH54LXOGr3QwUSF1DcZSetQONtSfgu0Zg$> -- ripe-atlas mailing list ripe-atlas@ripe.net<mailto:ripe-atlas@ripe.net> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://lists.ripe.net/mailman/listinfo/ripe-atlas__;!!GjvTz_vk!Dt8Pk3i7nS5SG56TGEfLzTtmdq6wrWWH54LXOGr3QwUSF1DcZSetQONtHqwcVvA$<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/lists.ripe.net/mailman/listinfo/ripe-atlas__;!!GjvTz_vk!Dt8Pk3i7nS5SG56TGEfLzTtmdq6wrWWH54LXOGr3QwUSF1DcZSetQONtHqwcVvA$>
participants (2)
Paul Theodoropoulos
Ponikierski, Grzegorz