18774 is abandoned definitively ?
Hello, Is the status abandoned and definitive, or will it return to status online at its reconnection? If the usb key is new so with a FAT32 partition, the probe will do the necessary to restore the usb key? Thanks for your help. Sent via RIPE Forum -- https://www.ripe.net/participate/mail/forum
On 2018-04-21 00:04, Freddy BULOW wrote:
Is the status abandoned and definitive, or will it return to status online at its reconnection?
If the usb key is new so with a FAT32 partition, the probe will do the necessary to restore the usb key?
Thanks for your help.
Sent via RIPE Forum -- https://www.ripe.net/participate/mail/forum
Hello Freddy, "abandoned" is not definitive, it's mostly an indication, it tells users that it's unlikely that the probe will be back. It is reversible, if the probe comes back online then its status will be "connected" again. The probes can re-initialise USB sticks if needed, for example if they find that a new USB stick is plugged in. This also means that the contents of that USB will be wiped. Regards, Robert
participants (2)
Freddy BULOW
Robert Kisteleki