Replacing "ping RRDs" with "zoomable ping graphs"

Dear RIPE Atlas users, As you may have read in the recent RIPE Labs article (, we've replaced the old style, RRD based visualisation for built-in ping measurements with client side, zoomable graphs. Since then we've also changed the graphs that represent the probe's bandwidth usage. The new graphs have the benefit that they retain all details, even for longer time intervals. (These details were lost in the RRD based graphs over time.) Other reasons why we changed include that generating the RRD graphs did not scale well with the increasing number of RIPE Atlas probes, and making them required us to maintain a large set of backend servers, each being a single point of failure. With the new approach you still have visualisations for this information, with more details and interactivity (though it does require running JavaScript on the client side). We'll change the remaining RRDs to this new model as well in the coming period, and stop generating the RRD based images altogether. We expect to stop with the "built-in pings" and the probe traffic RRDs first, likely in the second week of October. If you would like to embed these new style visualisations into your pages (maybe because you used the RRD graphs before), then you'll have to embed a RIPEstat widget; see for details. Regards, Robert Kisteleki for the RIPE Atlas team

Dear All, We'd like to let you know that as described in the mail below, we stopped the generation of the "built-in ping RRDs" (though a bit later than projected). The RRDs that visualise UDM ping measurements will be decommissioned next; the seismograph is provided as a replacement visualisation tool. Regards, Robert Kisteleki On 2013.09.25. 13:12, Robert Kisteleki wrote:
Dear RIPE Atlas users,
As you may have read in the recent RIPE Labs article (, we've replaced the old style, RRD based visualisation for built-in ping measurements with client side, zoomable graphs. Since then we've also changed the graphs that represent the probe's bandwidth usage.
The new graphs have the benefit that they retain all details, even for longer time intervals. (These details were lost in the RRD based graphs over time.) Other reasons why we changed include that generating the RRD graphs did not scale well with the increasing number of RIPE Atlas probes, and making them required us to maintain a large set of backend servers, each being a single point of failure.
With the new approach you still have visualisations for this information, with more details and interactivity (though it does require running JavaScript on the client side).
We'll change the remaining RRDs to this new model as well in the coming period, and stop generating the RRD based images altogether. We expect to stop with the "built-in pings" and the probe traffic RRDs first, likely in the second week of October.
If you would like to embed these new style visualisations into your pages (maybe because you used the RRD graphs before), then you'll have to embed a RIPEstat widget; see for details.
Regards, Robert Kisteleki for the RIPE Atlas team
participants (1)
Robert Kisteleki