* Ann Barcomb
We are pleased to announce our first roll-out of user-defined measurements (UDM) for RIPE Atlas. As of today, all hosts and sponsors on this mailing list are invited to run custom measurements. Over the coming weeks we will continue to roll out UDM to a wider audience.
Way cool! Some bugs/issues I noticed: 1) I first entered a traceroute UDM to olapaok.gr (ID 1001613). It got the description «Traceroute to». The I entered a traceroute6 query to www.vg.no (ID 1001615). However, for some reason it ended up getting the same description as the first one. 2) One of the probes selected by the traceroute6 measurement (ID 863) does not have any IPv6 connectivity, if the info popup in the «Participants for UDM: 1001615» map is to be believed. 3) We host two probes with near-100% uptime. If I understand the documentation correctly, you get 15 credits per minute of uptime per probe, which should result in an daily income of ~42000 credits. However, the daily income is consistently ~14398. (Not that it is a problem, considering the current usage cap of 15000 credits/day.) 4) It's been half an hour since I submitted the measurements but still no results (scheduled them as ASAP). It would be nice if results started coming back a bit quicker - especially if I'm submitting a UDM for the purpose of debugging some ongoing connectivity problem. Best regards, -- Tore Anderson Redpill Linpro AS - http://www.redpill-linpro.com