
Nice idea Dan. I too agree.

Public profile on probeID.Atlas.ripe.net will be something very cool and will enable us to pass link in emails as reference. Last time I had to pass info about F root sever data, I hid to literally save graph as image externally and then attach with mail.

There can be lot better solution for Public probes.

(Sent from my mobile device)

Anurag Bhatia

On May 4, 2012 9:18 PM, "Dan Luedtke" <maildanrl@googlemail.com> wrote:
Hello everyone,

what are your opinions on sharing stats from a probe to the public?

My idea: I have a public probe and public UDMs running, and I would
like to embed the "last 8 hours" graphs into a website where people
can see it, even those that do not have access to RIPE Atlas. Do you
think it is a good idea to ask for a feature that splits the "Public"
checkbox into two ones saying "Public (ATLAS Community)" and "Public

best regards,

Dan Luedtke