So, if I have a dns server somewhere and I want to make a bunch of measurements:
  "how does NYC see my dns?" (pick N probes near NYC)
  "How does DEN see my dns?" (pick N probes near DEN)
  "How does LHR see my dns?" (pick N probes near LHR)
  "how does ...." get the idea... I'm trying to characterize my service from a 'user' perspective by large Metropolis, well within N km of that metropolis anyway :) but across ~70 or so metros, in v4 and v6 and with authoritative and non-authoritative queries with each test running for 4 days so i can see some daily cycles in traffic patterns/etc. The number of measurements is large in total, breaking up by 3-4 metropolis chunks is super tedious :(

Can I request an API key (or some other thing) which can make that sort of request happen for all my measurements in one go? The thing I'm probing is very able to handle a few extra thousand queries per second.. and I'd only be hurting myself i get my estimate wrong :)
