Op 16-12-10 10:05, Robert Kisteleki schreef:
On 2010.12.16. 9:26, Harald Firing Karlsen wrote:
My RIPE Atlas probe (MAC: 00204AC8243A) started flapping last night and is continuing to flap. It have flapped about 90 times since midnight, do you have any known problems at the moment?
It seems that your probe is not the only one. We're looking into the details and will get back with an update.
UPC had maintenance last night, at least where I am (Arnhem - NL). Maybe that has something to do with it? My 'home-probe' (00:20:4A:BF:FD:C5) did not show any interruptions though. I run two probes, one at work, one at home. The one at work has been flapping since the start (00:20:4A:C8:22:A4). Don't know exactly why yet, so I am interested in the outcome of this. Regards, -- Marco