fre 2011-12-23 klockan 17:36 +0100 skrev Philip Homburg:
If some people want to run different code, they need the interface to communicate with the atlas infrastructure (commands, arguments,...), and probably this info is in the source code ;-) therefore, you won't have problems. I'm not worried about people getting their modified firmware to talk to
On 12/23/11 17:27 , Rodolfo kix Garcia wrote: the atlas infrastructure. A lot of that stuff is even documented :-)
The problem is, do you trust those results to be correct? And it is not just faking results. That can be done today, to some extent. But more, what if somebody decides to improve traceroute and it works just slightly different and gives also just slightly different results?
One way to deal with that is to let the probes send in the hash value of its firmware or something similar, which can be used to detect problems like that. And you could prepare "official" reports based only on the probes running "official" firmware. I really think this is orthogonal to releasing source code though. If you haven't built in any security mechanism, people can already do what you appear to be afraid of today. /Simon