On 05.11.2011 19:09 wrote Paul Wouters:
There is only three other probes here in Canada and they are not public, so I can't check their numbers.
Mine should be public? probe ID 223 in downtown Toronto.
Ah, so there are four other probes in Canada. On the map you are so close to #1180 that I didn't see your's. :-)
a.root-servers.net 86.274 ms / 86.633 ms / 87.010 ms 2011-11-05 21:59:19 UTC
You are showing an increase of RRT for a.root-servers.net since the turn of the month as well, though it is probably not as strong as mine. As you had some really high spikes it is harder to see on your graphs. But the increase is there, from ~35 to ~77 ms.
I'm using DSL with Teksavvy, and getting a-root from:
$ dig +short +norec @a.root-servers.net hostname.bind chaos txt "ans13-lax2"
"ansXX-lax2" for me as well - the XX is a two digit number that changes with every dig. BR Daniel AJ