I've used it several times to run traceroute measurements from different places. As Stephane mentioned, quite straightforward, well-documented and easy to use. It's also free of charge, with no rate limiting (afaik). It leverages the jsDelivr pops, which itself uses a few other CDNs for placement iirc. On Tue, Aug 27, 2024 at 4:03 PM Stephane Bortzmeyer <bortzmeyer@nic.fr> wrote:
On Tue, Aug 27, 2024 at 12:42:18PM +0200, Ernst J. Oud <ernstoud@gmail.com> wrote a message of 12 lines which said:
It might be “cursing in the church” as we say in NL, but does anyone here have experience with the Globalping monitoring tools?
https://www.jsdelivr.com/globalping ?
No real practical experience but it seems interesting. The API is well documented and a shell script as simple as:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data-binary @- \ https://api.globalping.io/v1/measurements \ <<EOF { "limit": 10, "locations": [], "target": "ayla.bortzmeyer.org", "type": "ping", "measurementOptions": { "packets": 3 } } EOF
is enough to launch a measurement. You can see the resulting JSON at https://api.globalping.io/v1/measurements/bqXml2MiDAoawobv if you want an idea. ----- To unsubscribe from this mailing list or change your subscription options, please visit: https://mailman.ripe.net/mailman3/lists/ripe-atlas.ripe.net/ As we have migrated to Mailman 3, you will need to create an account with the email matching your subscription before you can change your settings. More details at: https://www.ripe.net/membership/mail/mailman-3-migration/
-- Amreesh Phokeer