Hi Andrew, The correct procedure (for now) to get a corrupted anchor back up and running is to send an email to: atlas@ripe.net with the hostname of the anchor and a short description of the problem. We will then initiate the install procedure and just like during the initial install, you will get emails with instructions on what to do. As you have already re-installed the anchor, I will create a ticket for the networking engineers to pick this up. In the near future, you will be able to initiate this from the anchor manage page. This is part of the UI revamp for RIPE Atlas. Hope this helps, Cheers, Johan ter Beest RIPE Atlas Team On 01/12/2023 02:04, Andrew Asciutto wrote:
Atlas mailing list,
Back in September I noticed my Ripe Atlas software probe corrupted itself after an unscheduled DC power outage. I reinstalled the Ripe Atlas anchor software, and left all network settings the same as last time but it doesn't look like it connected back up to RIPE. Any ideas? Anyone with a similar experience?
Andrew Asciutto Network Engineer