6 Sep
6 Sep
6:14 p.m.
seems fine from uk now https://atlas.ripe.net/probes/2317/#!tab-builtins <https://atlas.ripe.net/probes/2317/#!tab-builtins> Colin
On 6 Sep 2017, at 11:52, Robert Kisteleki <robert@ripe.net> wrote:
On 2017-09-06 12:49, Max Mühlbronner wrote:
my probe is online (ping) and it shows SOS messages (reboots - This probe probably last rebooted on 2017-07-06 12:23:08) on the probe page. Disconnected since 59 minutes.
Is this a general problem, e.g. of the controller or is it just my probe? Does someone see similar problems right now?
Max M.
ams07 is being upgraded right now (so is ams09), as part of the ongoing work I announced recently. The probes should be back shortly.
Regards, Robert