Hi Eric! I'm not aware about such list but I would use API to get list of all probes and look for tags with "satellite" or "sat" in name. Checking first hop can be tricky because this first hop can be local router with RTT <1ms and second hop can indicate that we are on satellite connectivity. For that API for sure API must be used. Here is the full list of build in measurements: https://beta-docs.atlas.ripe.net/built-in/reference.html#traceroute-5-000-6-... + build in ping tests for 1st and 2nd hop are respectively measurement #1 and #2. Regards, Grzegorz From: Eric Kuhnke <eric.kuhnke@gmail.com> Date: Thursday 2021-04-22 at 17:19 To: "ripe-atlas@ripe.net" <ripe-atlas@ripe.net> Subject: [atlas] Satellite based "last mile" and Atlas probes Hello all, I am running what I believe to be the only probe on a Starlink satellite connection right now: https://atlas.ripe.net/probes/1001821/<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/atlas.ripe.net/probes/1001821/__;!!GjvTz_vk!DI_IF58ljPZGyBfvrBuCqzI_b8BjXFQYsN5iY-b4H4cWPot9HcTFhbGD3LIld6o$> Is anyone aware of a list of probe ID numbers which are definitively known to be on some form of satellite-based access technology? I am thinking of, for instance, sites on consumer grade geostationary VSATs, more serious VSATs, or in island nations which are not known to have any submarine cables. The reason why I am searching for such a list is that I intend to consume some of my accumulated credits to run periodic one-off measurements of latency, traceroutes and other things to quantify improvements in satellite based latency and other performance metrics over time. And to quantify what it looks like when an ISP previously dependent on geostationary (min 495ms latency) gains access to either terrestrial/submarine fiber, or a lower latency low earth orbit based service. The best information I can find right now is to manually pick probes which never show below geostationary latency to a first hop in any traceroute, and are located on the probes map in certain island locations. It's a bit more time consuming to manually search for probes in continental locations which are on a VSAT (for instance if anyone knows of a probe on a VSAT terminal in a remote part of Wyoming, USA, let me know...).