17 Dec
17 Dec
1:39 a.m.
My home probe had been flapping a lot since I first installed it. But on Tuesday, I swapped out the router it's connected to * and it's been fine ever since **. I think it's the fact that the new router supports IPv6 :) --Richard * Before: Linksys WRT54GL running DD-WRT. After: Lenovo x61 running Ubuntu 10.10. ** Except for a single, isolated 30-minute down time On Dec 16, 2010, at 3:26 AM, Harald Firing Karlsen wrote:
My RIPE Atlas probe (MAC: 00204AC8243A) started flapping last night and is continuing to flap. It have flapped about 90 times since midnight, do you have any known problems at the moment?
-- Kind regards Harald Firing Karlsen