Hello, We're not parsing and inserting all the bits from the raw response into the JSON mostly because it would inflate the size of the results enormously, while users are generally only interested in specific bits. The UI gives the basics (success, RTT) to show the big picture but exposing all the details would overload the interface, especially on mobile. The "abuf" is always in there, so consumers of the results can parse that (as you already know, and as Seth does below). There are abuf parsers out there, and if you're using Python then I'd recommend using Sagan (https://github.com/RIPE-NCC/ripe-atlas-sagan/) Cheers, Robert On 2023-07-25 07:31, Seth David Schoen wrote:
Micha Bailey writes:
Hi, I’m wondering if I’m missing something - I ran a DNS measurement with 110 probes, and the results are in, but the site UI seems to only show the result status and time elapsed until response, but not the results themselves. Looking at the JSON from the result endpoint I’m seeing that it seems to return the raw binary response - is there a particular reason it can’t be parsed and displayed in a more human-readable format? I know there are libraries and tools that do result parsing, but being on mobile at the moment (and often) means those are somewhat less accessible as far as I’m aware.
Hi Micha,
Do you mean the way that the JSON contains the "abuf" field with the base64-encoded DNS response?
I have actually not worked with these before, but I was able to make some progress in Python as follows (using the python3-dnspython package). You could modify the "to_text()" call to print out some more specific information from the DNS reply of interest to you, or modify the enclosing print() to save it elsewhere.
I don't know why there isn't a parsed version of the reply included in the JSON, but perhaps the idea is that the literal details are of interest to some researchers. One example that I happened to notice in trying to answer your question: in parsing a sample DNS measurement this way, I notice the use of DNS case randomization (also called "0x20 randomization") in some replies but not in others. Having the literal DNS query reply could help with analyzing the prevalence of this mechanism, whereas it might be obscured by a parser that was written by someone who believed that DNS replies are not case insensitive (which is true from one point of view, but not from another point of view!).
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import json import base64 from dns import message import sys
measurements = json.load(open(sys.argv[1]))
for measurement in measurements: if "resultset" in measurement: for resultsetitem in measurement["resultset"]: if "result" in resultsetitem: abuf = resultsetitem["result"]["abuf"] msg = message.from_wire(base64.b64decode(abuf)) print(msg.to_text()) print()