Hi Simon,

I was actually thinking about the server side, not the client side. The client side I’ll figure out, I have some experience with OpenWRT ;)

Do you have examples for that on relevant DHCPv6 implementations?



On 15 May 2023, at 20:57, Simon Brandt via ripe-atlas <ripe-atlas@ripe.net> wrote:

Hi Michel,

sorry, i don't have an OpenWrt device that's using DHCPv6 in client mode.
But it should be easy. Make sure the 'odhcp6c' package is installed (which is the case by default).
Then change the protocol option for the interface:


config interface 'eth0'
    option proto 'dhcpv6'

Check out this link to see als available options for the DHCPv6 client mode:

As far is i can see, you can only use OpenWrt in DHCPv4 client mode OR in DHCPv6 client mode. So i guess, you have to write a small script. First try DHCPv6 and check if you can successfully get a configuration. If not, fall back to DHCPv4. Continuously toggle between DHCPv6 and DHCPv4 as long as you don't get a configuration. I would begin this loop with DHCPv6. Also keep in mind, that some DHCP server respond slow, so better wait a little bit, before switching the protocol.


On 15.05.23 09:12, Michel Stam wrote:

Good discussion!

I’m currently looking at basing all the probes (3, 4 and 5) on OpenWRT 22.03 which is the latest stable. What I’ll do is take this along in the deliberations, and see if I can fit this into the firmware image somehow.

Simon: can you provide the exact setup you use for testing? (Config snippets etc) I typically don’t have a problem on my setup here, but thats RA + DHCPv6, I don’t use DHCPv6 for the actual assignment.



On 9 May 2023, at 20:27, Simon Brandt via ripe-atlas <ripe-atlas@ripe.net> wrote:

That should be "odhcp6c"



On 09.05.23 20:22, Philip Homburg wrote:

In any case, Atlas probes run a stripped down version of OpenWRT. It may help
if somebody can figure out which OpenWRT packages need to be added to 
enable DHCPv6.

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