Hola Daniel My probe (#10611) for instance also saw a change in routing towards A-root around the same time [1]. On Sat, May 16, 2015 at 8:58 AM, Daniel Baeza (Red y Sistemas TVT) <d.baeza@tvt-datos.es> wrote:
Hi Robert,
Thanks for you answer but the only built-in graphs are for ping. The v4/v6 dns are only available for download in json.
Indeed, built-in graphs only visualise ping latencies, but it is not hard to get what you want out of the raw JSON files. Please see [2]. Apparently, I was no longer hitting their site at NYC but LON.
Also, how can I see an "old" traceroute, I mean the one before the latency did go down?
The measurement API allows you to download measurement results in bulk, but also allows you to filter what data you're interested in (which probe, start and stop datetime, etc), please see [3]. If you want older traceroute data, just tell the API in which time window you are interested. HTH, [1] https://stat.ripe.net/m/widget/atlas-ping-measurements#w.mode=condensed&w.measurement_id=1009&w.probe_id=10611&w.starttime=2015-05-09T09%3A03%3A17&w.endtime=2015-05-16T09%3A03%3A17&w.resolution=1h [2] [ops@eh ~]$ curl -so- 'https://atlas.ripe.net/api/v1/measurement/10309/result/?start=1431693000&stop=1431696600&prb_id=10611&format=json' | jq .[].result.answers[].RDATA "nnn1-nyc3" "nnn1-lon3" [3] https://atlas.ripe.net/docs/rest/ -- "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together."