9 Feb
9 Feb
12:26 a.m.
Kyriacos, On Mon, 8 Feb 2021 at 13:49, Kyriacos Sakkas wrote:
It's not a big deal, more a mild irritation to have that probe listed. I mostly just get reminded about it once a month when the summary email comes.
If you are referring to the per-probe summary Email... Why not disable this for the "dead" probes? 1. https://atlas.ripe.net/probes/<probe-id>/ → Section "Notifications" → Hit "edit" button" → Set "Notification Target" to "disable notifications" 2. https://atlas.ripe.net/probes/<probe-id>/ → Section "Notifications" → Hit "edit" button" → Set "Report Target" to "disable reports" ... or did you refer to another notification that cannot be configured on per-probe basis? -- Chriztoffer