I'd support changing the default to "public", but I can't see a compelling reason why you would want to make *everything* public.
What if I'm measuring something, where I know some bits of my network are broken but need to figure out the overall damage, that I don't want the competition and media to know (if they figure it out themselves, fine, but not handing it on a silver platter).
I agree very much with this thinking. Personally I could live with non-public data becoming public a few days after the measurement, but if everything is public in realtime Atlas would lose a lot of its attractiveness as debugging tool.
Agreed. ... and I would add that I don't want DDoS culprits to be able to use Atlas as a real-time assessment tool of the effectiveness of their attacks. (Maybe they can already, but let's not help them more.) Publishing delayed data is better. Cheers, /Liman #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Lars-Johan Liman, M.Sc. ! E-mail: # Senior Systems Specialist ! Tel: +46 8 - 562 860 12 # Netnod Internet Exchange, Stockholm ! #----------------------------------------------------------------------