The most recent example of this occurrence I have is experiment #12264107, which has a status of {"error":{"status":403,"code":104,"detail":"This measurement hasn't yet started or is no longer running","title":"Forbidden"}}, returned [] for results, and has 40 responsive / allocated probes of the requested 50. On Mon, Apr 23, 2018 at 4:47 PM Marc Anthony Warrior <> wrote:
All of the measurements of concern are labeled "short_query_experiment" in their "description" field. I am attempting to perform "ping" measurements, resolved on probe, towards a number of common domains.
More details: All of the measurements indefinitely return a status of "{"error":{"status":403,"code":104,"detail":"This measurement hasn't yet started or is no longer running","title":"Forbidden"}}" (never done), even if the measurement is in face performed and has results, which makes it very difficult to determine when a measurement has been successfully deployed.
On Mon, Apr 23, 2018 at 4:30 PM Randy Bush <> wrote:
All of my RIPE Atlas measurement requests (pings in this case) are suddenly failing with a status "title" field value "Forbidden". Why is this happening?
you might get a better answer if you identified the experiment