Good evening,

In case you track these sorts of things, the ~2 week disconnection of this probe was caused by network trouble on my end (combined with an extended vacation), and not by the probe itself or any other part of the RIPE Atlas system.

Rusty Dekema

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: RIPE Atlas <>
Date: Sun, Oct 19, 2014 at 9:40 PM
Subject: Your RIPE Atlas Probe (ID: 11513) is now connected to our network

Dear RIPE Atlas probe host,

Thank you for participating in RIPE Atlas!

We're just letting you know that your probe (#11513 with description Comcast Business 50/10 (with IPv6 trial).) has re-established its link to our network and we are again receiving data from it. For your own records, it appears that the reconnection took place at 2014-10-20 01:39 UTC.

If you have any questions, please contact us at

Best regards,

RIPE Atlas Team

You are receiving this message because you applied for or were given a RIPE Atlas probe. We will only send messages when your probe becomes disconnected for an extended period of time.