On Wed, Jul 01, 2015 at 10:59:24AM +0200, Massimo Candela <mcandela@ripe.net> wrote a message of 86 lines which said:
I hope you can spend a few minutes to answer this email and tell me how you use traceroute measurements or what you would like to have in such a tool. For each use case you have in mind, please describe it briefly.
Well, my usage is simple: when I run a test (DNS, ping) and a few of the probes fail or give an unexpected result, I run a traceroute from these probes to try to find out why they failed. I use a modified version of <https://github.com/RIPE-Atlas-Community/ripe-atlas-community-contrib/blob/master/traceroute.py> (I should commit it, one day) and <https://github.com/RIPE-Atlas-Community/ripe-atlas-community-contrib/blob/master/json2traceroute.py>