Hi, Your destination is not responding to ICMP (ping/traceroute). This is not an Atlas issue. Dave Op ma 24 jun. 2019 om 08:50 schreef <kiran.gunana@colruytgroup.com>:
Can some one help me with the reason behind me always getting RTT unreachable and packet loss 100% for every probe I choose to monitor one our service from internet in belgium.
Is there something I am not doing right or can guid me a better way of doing it. Even though there is 100% packet loss , my credit balance is still being consumed.
[image: inline_55_1561359035868_0.png]
*Kiran Gunana * *Network Engineer* kiran.gunana@colruytgroup.com T +32 2 363 55 45 (Ext : 55711)
Colruyt Group Edingensesteenweg 196 - 1500 Halle www.colruytgroup.com
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