Thanks Ernst! I haven't noticed that some results might be delayed. I'll go back and check this again.

On Thu, Sep 7, 2023 at 12:39 PM Ernst J. Oud <> wrote:

From: "Ernst J. Oud" <>
Date: 7 September 2023 at 20:46:53 CEST
To: Jerome Mao <>
Subject: Re: [atlas] Questions with regard to the measurement status and running time

My 0.02 euro; did you get the results of all 15 probes in that short period? I use Magellan to get results and after a minute sometimes not all results are in. Magellan has two options in the latest version; a timeout to stop streaming results after for instance 30 seconds or stop after a specified number of results have been received.

I believe probes get instructions from controllers and ofcourse they don’t receive those all at the same time. Also probes might be busy I guess doing their default measurements (every 4 minutes). So it might take a while, I have seen results coming in after a couple of minutes.

Not sure the above is correct, just my thoughts.


Ernst J. Oud

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