All - I wonder whether this is a good idea or rather a really bad one... I have a free port on a Freifunk router where I could plug in a RIPE Atlas probe. Freifunk is a community where you - amongst other things - can offer a bit of your bandwidth to "the world". This connectivity sharing however is set up as a tunnel to various ISPs (for-profit companies and non-profit associations) as these would enjoy the "provider privilege": that in short is not to be held accountable for e.g. copy right infringements etc. ("Störerhaftung"). Anyhow: as part of this tunnel setup, the other end of the tunnel changes every 24 to 48 hours - and so does the upstream and therefore also the AS of the upstream provider. And now I am asking myself: a probe with ever changing upstreams/ASs - shall such an addition to the RIPE Atlas network be considered a fault or a feature? Any comments, anybody? Cheers, -C.