Hello all, i would like to introduce a tool[1] i have been developing on and off for a bit of time. its uses the atlas latest call[2] and sagan[3] to preform nagios checks based on measurement results. it supports checking a wide range of ssl, dns and http parameters which i have tried to document on github[1]. it also supports checking ping however i think it is better to use the atlas status checks[4][5] for this. The git hub repo contains some sample nagios configs which can be seen in action at https://icinga.johnbond.org/ (ripeatlas/ripeatlas). at $dayjob we dont use nagios/icinga so this is not well tested and one should expect some bugs. if you dare inspect the source you can definitely expect spelling mistakes and hacks. Thanks to IƱigo Ortiz de Urbina and Wolfgang Nagele for patches. Also thanks to Daniel Quinn and Philip Homburg for working with me integrating some changes to sagan. feedback, criticism and patches most welcome John *as http is a restricted measurement this has received little testing [1]https://github.com/b4ldr/atlas [2]https://labs.ripe.net/Members/suzanne_taylor_muzzin/ripe-atlas-latest-result... [3]https://github.com/RIPE-NCC/ripe.atlas.sagan [4]https://labs.ripe.net/Members/suzanne_taylor_muzzin/introducing-ripe-atlas-s... [5]https://github.com/RIPE-Atlas-Community/ripe-atlas-community-contrib/blob/ma...