On 3 Aug 2023, at 18:53, Robert Kisteleki wrote:
At the end of the day, measurements involving this probe would give varying results depending on time. It's totally real, but is it useful?
Hmm. If Carsten (or anyone else who may wish to offer a bit of [] bandwidth to "the world") would find it useful to know something about the availability and performance of their Freifunk "contribution", then that would answer the question, at least from one POV. OTOH, people running measurements may find it frustrates their intent. Would a new system tag, automagically added when systematic AS-hopping is observed, make sense? Dunno really. €0,02 Niall PS. "Ceci, c'est peut-être du n'importe-quoi" is so much more elegant than "Maybe this is just b-ll-x." 8-) /N