awesome idea.

another useful feature would be to let the probe share via the atlas portal what device and port it's connected to. To the owner alone, that is.


On Tuesday, 22 December 2015, Max Gebert <> wrote:

I could definitely see the appeal of such a function in our network. 
+1 from me! 

Best regards/ Hälsningar
Max Gebert

22 dec 2015 kl. 18:23 skrev Chris Elliott <>:


On Tuesday, December 22, 2015, Annika Wickert <> wrote:
Hi everybody,

I would like to see LLDP support in the future on the RIPE probes.

It would be a really helpful feature, to see on what Port the RIPE Probe resides at the moment.


Chris Elliott
CCIE # 2013

“You and I are mirages that perceive themselves”
--Douglas Hofstadter