On Wed, 9 May 2012 23:32:25 +0200 Jérôme Benoit <jerome.benoit@grenouille.com> wrote:
We have this as internal documentation, but it should be published some time.
Let me known when the dust has settled and RIPE publish them.
For API and JSON syntax standardisation, the first step is to write the specifications we(grenouille.com) plan to use and Atlas use and plan to use, then discuss and factor out the best of each. We have some writings but most of them are in French :) Yes.
Great. We're going to translate some already written and document the whole architecture in details.
First draft online : http://doc.grenouille.com/index.en.html I know, there's still a lot of TODO :) Regards, -- Jérôme Benoit aka fraggle La Météo du Net - http://grenouille.com OpenPGP Key ID : 9FE9161D Key fingerprint : 9CA4 0249 AF57 A35B 34B3 AC15 FAA0 CB50 9FE9 161D